Version 5.0

Version 5.0

By Shane Wylie - Executive Officer

One column I’m writing that this has been the toughest of lockdowns yet, and then just four weeks later I’m trying not to repeat myself.

There has been a very clear shift in business thinking with this episode though. I’ve seen so many of our members fighting, doing small things to stay open, keep their staff busy and employed. That’s ceased almost across the board.

While this column won’t be released until after lockdown 5.0 has hopefully been lifted, this change in mindset is going to take a lot of effort, money and insight to get past.

Events in 2021 Having Firelight postponed was a little heartbreaking to all. We know that Melbourne was excited – it was fully booked well in advance – and our VIP event for member businesses had more than 120 in attendance.

We also know it’s going to be harder and harder to get events approved while this new strain of the virus continues to circulate. When or if Firelight comes back, please come to our opening night event, introduce yourself to all the other Docklanders who’ve lived through this with you.

Membership moves

While Docklands Dollars is currently on a little hiatus with lockdown, new members continue to take advantage of the free listing and exposure across our socials.

Please contact me directly – [email protected] if you’d like to be part of the Docklands Chamber which is still free for 2021 •  

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