A snapshot …
By Shane Wylie - media director
The Docklands Chamber of Commerce (DCC) speaks to the movers and shakers weekly and sometimes daily.
Our relationship with the Lord Mayor and all of the councillors is brilliant, not to mention state bodies like Development Victoria. But it’s hard to get across just how devastating these lockdowns are financially and now mentally. In a small snapshot:
Docklands is currently down on average some 110,000 workers/visitors daily.
More than half of the short-term residents – students and workers – have left the precinct during this time.
The Docklands real estate market generally averages a little over 100 vacant apartments. There are currently more than 1100 being advertised, the great majority at 50 per cent of normal leasing rates.
More than 90 per cent of our member businesses are either closed or heavily affected by the restrictions.
Almost 20 per cent of our member businesses aren’t looking at re-opening
Personally, I was a slow adopter to the devastation of COVID-19. It was an inconvenience at first. I wasn’t able to go and have a drink or a meal, I couldn’t visit the gym and my personal business was on hold. That personal business no longer exists and I can’t see it returning, I’m one of those 20 per cent.
It’s no longer an inconvenience. This is now life and I like everyone else am coming to terms with the next repercussions – the mental side effects. Not having a social life. Not seeing friends and family. Not being able to sit out in the sun and enjoy these remarkable early spring days.
So, this is an update with a difference. Although everyone is behind a mask at present please don’t forget you are a human being.
You once shared a smile and a hello as you walked past someone, you can still do so with your eyes and your voice.
And lastly, think local, support local. I know all too well how hard our businesses are doing it right now. Your small support might just be the difference •