AGM this month
The Docklands Chamber will hold its annual general meeting on November 11 at Melbourne City Marina at Unit 120, 439 Docklands Drive, Waterfront City.
All current financial members are encouraged to attend. The formalities will be brief and the rest of the night will be a great time to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances. Come and join us for drinks and canapés.
Registration is from 6pm and will be followed by elections at 6.30pm. This will be followed by an opportunity to mix with successful business owners and key people who are making the Docklands one of the most attractive places to work, live and play.
The AGM will include election of executive committee members (new or continuing). All financial members of DCC are eligible to stand for election and we urge interested members to nominate by Wednesday, November 4 by 12 noon by sending an email to [email protected]
Nomination forms are available on the website. Please note you must be a financial member to be nominated for an executive position.
Docklands Chamber networking event for members
We are really looking forward to our next Docklands Chamber of Commerce networking event at Groove Train Harbour Town on Wednesday, November 18.
We will kick off around 5.30 pm (registration), followed by a welcome from DCC president, Johanna Maxwell, while we serve drinks and appetizers.
Be early because all members will leave for a one-hour, interactive session involving the Melbourne Star and Docklands trivia, before returning to Groove Train for drinks (beer, wine) and appetizers and more networking. The event will conclude by 9pm.
Docklands Networking Lunch
Make sure you have booked a spot for Friday, November 20 at Woolshed Pub, a great forum meet business people who are making things happen. Ring Docklands News on 8689 7979 or send an email to [email protected]
Famil for volunteers
The chamber is looking forward to hosting a familiarisation tour for City of Melbourne volunteers on Wednesday, November 25. This will be a great opportunity to introduce them to all the wild and wonderful activities Docklands has to offer featuring kayaking, trike tours, O’Brien Arena events, Melbourne Star, Wonderland Fun Park and Spiegeltent performances.
Finally, well done everyone who contributed to the Seniors Festival.