Candidates’ pledges to Docklands
On October 21, state election candidates visited Docklands and spoke for 10 minutes about what they would do for the suburb if elected.
Luke Martin - Liberal Party
Mr Martin concentrated his 10-minute presentation on perceived problems in Docklands and in the wider community and promised that he, and an elected Liberal Government, would do a better job.
‘The people of Docklands have every right to be frustrated by the Government’s failure to deliver services in Docklands,” he said.
“Docklands needs a school, more recreational space, better management of bicycles and pedestrians and better traffic management.”
“But these things won’t happen unless there is a strong voice for Docklands and I want to be that voice.”
“A proposal to build a low-level bridge across the harbour is an outrage and everyone here has a right to be concerned about it. You’ve invested here. You live here. It’s your community and you have every right to say to the State Government we don’t want it.”
“I want to help in this matter but I can’t do anything about it unless you put your faith in me and elect me on November 27.”
On the liquor licensing issue, Mr Martin said he wanted to see a balance between businesses’ rights to make a living and protection of public amenity.
Mr Martin also talked about the Liberal Party’s plans to man suburban railway stations, fund extra police and transit police, introduce a team of mobile paramedics, secure water supply, support families and combat corruption.
Bronwyn Pike - Larbor Party
In her 10 minute presentation, Ms Pike took a largely state-wide view and spoke of her values and track-record in delivering services, particularly in health and education.
She said she had seen the Docklands community develop and grow over the last 11 years.
She spoke of values of fairness and equity and the need to take care of people who were vulnerable and the need to build strong communities.
Ms Pike spoke on the Labor government’s record on public transport and reminded Docklanders that all the trams and other public transport down here had all been delivered by Labor.
She said the biggest challenge for the future was to care for the environment and sustain our planet.
She suggested her candidacy was strengthened by her experience and position as a senior member of government over many years.
“Yes, there are challenges. Yes, there are things that are not perfect. But we live in a big and complex society and community and we need to continue to grow and develop Melbourne and our community,” she said.
“Docklands is brand new and we have a great opportunity to really invest and shape the kind of community that we really want. A community were people can join together with common aspirations and feel included.
A community that has the services that it needs. A community where people’s dignity is respected. All of those things are demonstrated here in the Docklands’ community.”
“In many ways you are all pioneers by moving down here and being part of something that it is new, dynamic and creative and I want to have the opportunity to continue to work with you to make sure that this is a wonderful community for everyone.”
Brian Walters - The Greens
Mr Walters said, if elected, he would represent Docklands in line with his background as a defender of human rights and social justice.
He said he would make the provision of a primary school in Docklands a priority.
“We clearly need a school because there are hundreds of children approaching school age and some families are moving out because there is no school within walking distance or accessible by public transport.”
“And many families are without cars, because they have been encouraged to come here and live a car-free lifestyle.”
He said the Port of Melbourne’s low-level train bridge proposal was not necessary if the Port of Geelong was activated to accept containers in the medium-term future.
“It doesn’t make sense to move 37 per cent of Australia’s freight through the inner suburbs of Melbourne,” he said.
He also criticised the Government on its Westlink proposal which he said would deliver an extra 5000 cars an hour into the Docklands area and create gridlock.
“We say there are much better ways to spend those billions of dollars, including infrastructure and schools here in Docklands,” he said.
Mr Walters said alcohol advertising and alcohol sponsorship of sport should be banned to discourage a binge drinking culture and that public transport should run 24 hours a day.
Mr Walters reminded the audience that the seat would have gone to the Greens at the last election if 600 people had voted differently.
“Which means on November 27, your vote is very powerful here in Docklands,” he said.