Call out for E-Gate interest

Call out for E-Gate interest

Docklands’ northerly neighbour is back on the drawing board with the State Government last month calling for expressions of interest (EoI) from developers to build E-Gate.

The Government on October 27 launched an expression of interest program with a view to selling the 20 ha site bounded by Dudley St, the railway, Moonee Ponds Creek and Footscray Rd.

At this stage, only broad development guidelines have been released with the specifics to be shared with short-listed candidates after May next year.

However, the broad guidelines are consistent with previously-stated Government suggestions for the site as a mixed development including generous public open space as well as tall buildings.

The Government says it will accept submissions from developers up until February 19 next year.  The publically accessible parts of the EoI clearly put any risk associated with the project squarely on the developer.  Specifically, responsibility for cleaning the contaminated site rests with the successful bidder.

However, in return, the Government is promising “streamlined” planning processes with the Minister for Planning being the relevant authority.

“The State acknowledges the scale and complexity of the E-Gate renewal opportunity and the need for a careful blend of certainty and flexibility in establishing planning and development approval arrangements for the site,” the EoI documents state.
“The successful proponent’s proposed development plan will be agreed in principle prior to financial close. The state will then fulfil its obligation to rezone the land, formally endorse the development plan and make it a referred document in the Melbourne Planning Scheme.”

“Applications for buildings or works that are consistent with an endorsed development plan and any endorsed design guidelines will be considered using streamlined approvals processes and will be exempt from notice and appeal provisions.”

In describing the vision for the project, the documents state: “The E-Gate development will integrate with West Melbourne and the Docklands and form part of a broader community in Melbourne’s inner suburbs, but with its own character and sense of place as an exciting and unique extension of the central city.”

“Buildings, streetscapes and the public realm will be of very high design quality, providing a great place to live, work and play not only for E-Gate’s residents and workers, but also for others that will visit E-Gate as a commercial, retail, recreation and parkland destination. Some parts of E-Gate will have tall buildings that take advantage of views to the CBD, but the street level will be an active and engaging place for people.”

“The land use and development mix that is ultimately delivered will be a key factor in its success and in the vibrancy of E-Gate’s streets and spaces. With a likely project life cycle of over 20 years, the mix of uses on the site may change over time to respond to market demands.”

In launching the project, the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development Peter Ryan said: “E-Gate is a world class development opportunity on the doorstep of the Melbourne CBD. It will be home to around 10,000 residents as Melbourne’s newest inner city suburb.”

“The project is a 20-year plan to deliver a new, integrated community close to jobs and transport, with new parklands and all the things that make life in Melbourne great. It will be a game-changer for the inner west linking Docklands and West Melbourne and creating new activity in both areas.”

“It is a secure long-term, pipeline project that is expected to generate $3 – 4 billion of investment in Victoria and create more than 5000 jobs,” Mr Ryan said.

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