Barra landed in Docklands

Barra landed in Docklands

We know about global warming, but catching a barramundi in Docklands in the middle of winter?

Some old salts think this tale is a bit fishy.  Barramundi are native to northern Australia and are known not to migrate between
river systems.

But 32-year-old Luke Scicluna insists that he and mate Anthony Pelly had landed a dozen bream and few small mullet on June 21 when they saw the barra “lurking in the shadow of a pylon”.

“A quick flick of a prawn which landed right on its nose and we were on,” Luke said. “After landing the fish there was plenty of jumping and woo-hooing”.

“We took a few quick pics and set the fish free.”

Luke thinks the fish was once a pet was released into the Yarra.

“Apparently there has been two other barramundi landed in the Maribyrnong River – one was in April of 2006 and the other was in November of 2008 – both by other anglers,” he said.

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