Working out in Docklands is a heavenly exercise
I recently decided it was time. Finally. I would get my butt into gear and join the gym.
I had no excuse, really. The gym – technically a personal training studio – had just opened up near my work!
Head honcho Bryan was keen to discuss my personal needs in detail, a warm-and-fuzzy approach that’s hard to come by these days. Unusually, I wasn’t really up for a chat. All I wanted to do was hand over my money and find out when I could start. I was worried that I would pull out if I didn’t commit then and there.
Bryan’s imposing physique made it all the more easy to sign up. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be trained by someone who looks like he could lift a truck?
My first session was enjoyable, even though I was completely unfit (God knows how long it had been since I’d exercised last). I felt comfortable and safe thanks to the cosy and private environment – something that big gyms lack.
When I woke up the next day, I could really feel the workout had done wonders. It was a “good pain” that made me feel alive. I had let my body down for far too long.
The second session was equally as good. Pleasingly, the good pain the following day wasn’t as intense as after the first session. My body was learning to cope with exercise again. Go me!
The “view” from the studio really cracks me up. While I work out, I see people leave Woollies with all sorts of goodies – chocolate, donuts, alcohol. Not that I’m judging – I love all three of those things – it just keeps things in perspective for me the next time I go in for a shop.
As Bryan cleverly pointed out, everything you need is in the first section once you walk in – fresh fruit and veg. That’s it. However, it’s a shame that so many of us (me included) are drawn to the other aisles full of processed, sugar-laden products.
One day, Bryan spotted me duck into Woollies for an afternoon pick-me-up. Like a good conscience with heavenly wings, he was quick to inspect my shopping bag as I hurried back to the office.
“Potato chips and a can of Coke!?” he cried. Yep, I was sprung. Caught red-handed.
Fast forward a couple of months and I’m still going strong, so to speak. My diet? Well, that’s another story, but I’m working on it.
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2016!

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands