An amazing April
It’s been an amazing month for the Docklands Chamber of Commerce in several ways.
Firstly, let me say “Lest we Forget”. We proudly supported the RSL and Skunkworks Music to again provide four buglers to play The Last Post as a simplified version of the ANZAC Day commemoration service.
We started this as a COVID initiative, but it was so popular and well received by our residents that we have continued it.
The resident version of our Docklands Dollars program now has more than 1500 registrations who are redeeming on their local purchases.
If you live in 3008 and you haven’t yet registered, then head over to the website – – it’s as simple as providing proof you live here then uploading receipts to your dashboard. I check the receipts are eligible and then pay you back to your bank account.
On an equally positive note, Docklands accommodation providers were at capacity during April. There was a real hunger to visit, eat, stay and play with our original version of Docklands Dollars having its busiest two weeks since its inception. Hopefully the traffic continues.
Lastly, there will be an opportunity for everybody in Docklands to have a say as to what they think the future focus of the precinct should be. We will be putting out an expression of interest for people to participate. Very importantly we want a variety of opinions from multiple cultures, genders, ages and backgrounds.
Sorry, that wasn’t lastly ...
I would like to pay my thanks to Markella Votzourakis who has been helping me incredibly during the past few years with our socials and newsletters. She’s moving on and we wish her all the very best •

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands