Adairs still feels like a family business

Adairs still feels like a family business

Having opened its first store on Chapel St in 1918, Adairs, along with over 20 other lifestyle stores, has just opened in the Homemaker Hub at South Wharf.

With over 90 Adairs stores nationally, it would be easy to think that the South Wharf version was just another link in a huge chain.

But under the leadership of Marcia, an Adairs veteran and store manager, you will feel as though you are being transported back into the family-owned Adairs of yesteryear.

Marcia has been working in Adairs stores across Melbourne and Sydney for more than six years and has an immense passion for homewares.

“I think it comes from the idea that, unlike fashion or something, you spend a lot of time in your bed because you sleep in it every night. So it should be something that you put together well and spend some time on,” she said.

Slightly changing the old adage that the customer is always right, Marcia instils in “her girls” that the customer is their boss.

“If the customer wants to see something out of its packaging, then we take it out because we can always refold it and put it back in the packet. If a customer is going to spend money buying something then they should be able to see it out of its packaging,” she said.

Marcia often visits other South Wharf Homemaker Hub shops to check what else is on offer in the centre.

“If I can’t service a customer and I know someone else in the Homemaker Hub can, then I’ll send them there.  I think it’s really important, especially at this early stage, to help each other out.”

The South Wharf store is currently offering the services of an expert interior decorator who will come to a client’s home to offer advice.  Normally costing $150, Adairs is offering the obligation-free service for free as an opening special.

“A home decorator isn’t something that only the rich and famous can have. It’s about being customer friendly and making their lives easier as everyone is time-poor. And a lot of the time the person will know what they what but it may just be a matter of matching colours or something like that.”

South Wharf’s Adairs, which offers a loyalty card and corporate discounts, sells furniture, linen, quilts and many other homewares. And even if you don’t find what you’re looking for, a nice chat with Marcia or one of her staff is sure to brighten up your day.

Meet Lucas Guilbert

Meet Lucas Guilbert

May 1st, 2024 - Sean Car
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