Dig deep - it’ll be worth it
This was nearly the first column I’ve missed writing in eight years.
There have been months that it’s been tough to find the time, and there’s definitely been a few months through the years that I’ve realised with absolute clarity the meaning of “writers block” as I sit for hours observing a tiny mark on the wall trying to think of something half-interesting or at least semi-amusing to say. But this is the first month I nearly just didn’t make it.
I’ve been working really hard. Like really, really hard. I love it and I have a crystal clear purpose in what I do, my “why” resonates with me and I have not hesitated to commit one single minute of the hours, weeks and months that I have put into the work I have been doing. But it is consuming all of my time, and sometimes it’s a bit tricky ticking everything on my to-do-list!
It’s been a balancing act that hasn’t always balanced, trying to deliver on so many levels – to ensure my son knows he is the number one in my life whilst I’m simultaneously telling him I’ll be late home from yet “another” meeting (dramatic eye roll from son). As I try to scrounge together a healthy meal from god knows what is left in the fridge because I haven’t had time to get to the supermarket (again). To have the intention of tomorrow being the day exercise returns to my life only to set the alarm for 5am to sit at the computer instead …
But it’s worth it. It’s going to be worth it. I do my self-audits as I’m drifting off to sleep very late at night and I visualise where I’m going.
You see, this time (as opposed to times in the past where I’ve just been overwhelmed with business growth and demands and wondered why I’m doing all the things I do), I have a map.
It’s a mind map that I can follow, where I can see how all the “parts” of my life will click together and be better than ever, where all the things I value and love will be balanced again, where everything will benefit from the next phase succeeding … and so I fall asleep smiling, exhausted, but excited for the next day to start to get crazy busy again.
I know where I’m going and that single purpose vision gives me the strength and determination to climb mountains (well, you know what I mean – online mountains!). I have shared my vision, my reasoning and my why with my son and he is the most incredible support and I’d like to think it sets an example for him – that if you determine your goal, you pursue it unrelentingly until you succeed. That the bright light of determination is a torch you carry proudly, that the heat of intensely pursuing your goals is to be embraced.
What a woman wants is for everyone to be able to see and positively embrace extraordinary opportunities in life and to support those pursuing them, but what a woman needs to know is that sometimes there are people that for whatever reason, just can’t handle the heat.
Don’t let the fallings of others slow you on your journey to achieve your goals. May you achieve all your heart sets out to achieve this month and don’t let those who don’t understand your goals throw you from your path.
Be determined, make the sacrifices, let life get “unbalanced” to throw everything at that which you really want to achieve. Dig deep - it’ll be worth it.
Until next month,
Abby x
PS don’t forget you can reach me at [email protected]

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands