City of Melbourne to welcome Docklands
July-August edition 2007
City of Melbourne to welcome Docklands
On July 1, 2007, Docklands becomes part of the City of Melbourne municipality.
This means that from this date, Docklands residents and businesses will also be City of Melbourne residents and businesses. Services offered and delivered to these groups in all other parts of the municipality will extend to Docklands.
All ratepayers will also be eligible to vote in Melbourne City Council elections, with the next elections due in November 2008.
VicUrban has been responsible for the municipal management of Docklands since 1999, and will remain as both the development agency and a key stakeholder in the management of the precinct.
The City of Melbourne will be taking direct responsibility for services such as street cleaning and waste management, park maintenance, waterway management and a new maternal and child health service.
For the past 12 months the City of Melbourne has been undertaking many of these activities under contract to VicUrban so a seamless as possible transition is envisaged.
In early July, Docklands residents can expect to receive a “Welcome Pack”, which will include all the information needed to assist in this transition.
In the meantime, if residents have any questions about the transition, please call the City of Melbourne on 9658 9658, visit or read more in this edition of Docklands Community News.

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