Come out and meet the candidates

Come out and meet the candidates

Don’t forget to come out and meet your state election candidates in Victoria Harbour on Thursday, October 21.

Docklands News is bringing together the Greens, Labor and Liberal candidates for a special night where they can meet the Docklands community.

The candidates will each speak for 10 minutes and then answer questions from Docklands voters.

The subject will be strictly about what each candidate can specifically do for Docklands, and questions on other topics and matters will not be entertained.

The event is being held at 7.30 pm at the Harbour Kitchen, which is under the Bourke St NAB headquarters on the Victoria Harbour side.
The candidates are:

Greens – Brian Walters

Labor – Bronwyn Pike (sitting member)

Liberal – Luke Martin

Each candidate will be given 10 minutes to explain what they would do for Docklands if they were elected to the lower house seat of Melbourne on November 27.

Following that, questions from the floor will be directed to candidates via event chairman Docklands News editor Shane Scanlan.

Mr Scanlan said the night was designed to give Docklanders a personal look at their political candidates.

“Most of the major issues facing Docklands can be resolved at the State Government level so let’s see how our state election candidates respond to our questions,” Mr Scanlan said.

Harbour Kitchen will be open for business, so why not come out and meet your fellow Docklands residents on a night with a serious subject, but which is held within a social setting.

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