Library hours


I write in response to the letter in the August edition of Docklands News that incorrectly stated that Library at the Dock is not open on weekends or after 5pm on weekdays.

Library at The Dock has extended opening hours so the community can make the most of our extensive collection and facilities.

The Library is open from 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm on Saturday and from midday to 5pm on Sundays. For information on public holiday opening hours, services, events and activities please visit

Paula Kelly
Manager Melbourne Library Service

Library hours 2

I totally agreed with the letter to the editor I read in the newsletter that the library should be open during weekend.  

Otherwise what is the whole point of building a library?  That is right, it can close two weekdays, we don’t mind at all, library is a place when we have time during weekend we can go and read book/magazine.  

Every other professional work from 9-5, transport to and from work would take a normal professional one hour each way, so why build a library to cater to no resident is able to use?

I hope you can kindly voice the concern to the library management board.


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