Where are the people?

Where are the people?

I paddle dragon boats at Docklands each Monday and Wednesday evening and really enjoy the views and atmosphere it provides.

The strange thing that I have noticed looking up is that so few apartments appear to be occupied.

As darkness falls, lights can be seen from only a third of all buildings? I know people may work late or close some curtains but if this is a reflection of occupancy its no wonder Docklands is a wasteland.

Where are the people?

Are they owned by investors out of town/state/country?

Robert Irvine


Late night court noise

I wish to bring to your attention an ongoing problem relating to the new Docklands sports courts adjacent to The Hub on Waterview Walk.

We live in the Watergate apartments directly opposite the courts and are regularly subjected to noise from courts use late into the evening and early morning.

Last Saturday night/Sunday morning there was a group of players “shooting baskets” until 2.45am, shouting and clapping in enthusiasm. They only stopped after we rang Docklands Security and their staff arrived and moved them on, we have had to do this at late hours on several occasions.

People using the courts after midnight is not uncommon, on average several nights each week.

I would suggest the following:

Erect prominent signs limiting the hours of use for the courts; and

Complete the black fencing that partially surrounds the courts and have gates which are locked after a reasonable time each evening;


Have regular security patrols, particularly during weekends and late night hours.

Despite signs prohibiting skateboarding the Hub is quite often a gathering place for skateboarders who make considerable noise and sometimes damage the facility by using their skateboards to remove the plastic non-slip buttons on the decking.

More regular security patrols would also help to reduce this problem and damage to the facility.

Graham Mercer

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