You have to believe we are magic
“You have to believe we are magic, and nothing can stand in our way”.
I know, you have a glorious image of Olivia Newton John in short spangley lycra outfits and matching headbands staring soft-focus down the camera lens, imploring us to believe every word she warbles – you’re welcome!
Funnily enough, these words have popped into my mind quite a few times recently, and I’m QUITE sure I haven’t listened to this track since the 80s!
There’s a lot to be said for believing that you can achieve all you are wanting to achieve – that you can overcome the obstacles that anything worthwhile pursuing puts in your way.
And it seems to be, that anything worthwhile does not come easily. It’s always well and good at the beginning isn’t it – you have a business plan that is exciting, the team is ready and you let the start gun go off.
Or maybe you meet someone incredibly different, and the chemistry is there and the excitement has you quite sure there is a wonderful future ahead. Or perhaps you’ve been planning a change of a personal nature, maybe to run your first marathon – or just even get fit for the first time in a long time – and you get the gear and are ready to hit the training schedule.
It’s all exciting and seemingly readily achievable … at the beginning.
The true test comes as the first blimp hits – the unexpected costs that crept into the business forecasting, the first little head butt of a gentle disagreement with a loved one, the temptation to hit the snooze button on the first below degree training morning.
It is at this first sign of digression from the perfect path that things start to get real – or unravel. You’re just starting to get a taste of the bite of reality that this plan, journey or mission is going to give you. There’s that little niggle of doubt, the old devil on the shoulder offering every excuse to quit – but you bolster a facade of overt confidence and boldly continue, albeit a little shaken.
Then the hard yards kick in, when reality shows you exactly how this business, this relationship, this personal pursuit is going to follow a path of its own rather than the seemingly faultless path you had envisaged.
Oh sure, I don’t mean you were so naive you thought it would be effortless, or so foolhardy you thought it would be handed to you on a plate – just more that you realise how exhausted you are becoming, how big the mountain actually is, and how much you have to work through the barriers to get to the other side – the side where you goals and dreams do actually start to come true.
And here is where there can be a great epiphany – for you see, when you actually come to be dealing with “the truth” of the situation, when you see the triumphs and falls honestly and candidly track your progress and regressions, when you see the weaknesses as well as the strengths, when you drop the fantasy and get real, you gain incredible strength.
By seeing the truth, and deciding to proceed, you are empowering yourself to achieve some of the greatest goals of your life.
So, by all means, believe in magic. And believe that nothing will stand in your way. But also know that you are strengthened by the barriers you cross, and the goal will be that much sweeter for the sweat and tears it has taken to achieve.
What a woman wants is a magic wand to instantly deliver all she desires. But what a woman needs to remember is that it’s only by seeing the truth will she truly find the right path.
Stay strong this month and I hope you achieve all your heart’s desires.
Until next month,
Abby x

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands