Mastering the art of patience
This month has been about patience, and for the first time in my life, this Guns N’ Roses song has been on repeat play in my brain.
All we need is just a little patience … the soothing melody eases me into forming my mantra, and reassures me of my capacity to be patient when it comes to things I truly care about. It makes me feel there is a great road to follow, a road that I am destined to be on.
But first I must ensure that the road will actually open up properly, that I’m not running towards a dead end. I see my patience as a significant part of the process in allowing my destiny to be fulfilled, in its own measure, of its own accord, without human control.
I see my ‘space’ as a wonderland of faith and hope that could lead to one of the greatest stories of my life. But it must arrive at the right time, at the time the universe dictates, when the stars line up, when what is meant to be will be. And no matter how much I may want it to be now, I can’t will it to happen sooner.
It’s like trying to fall asleep immediately, you can lie down and dim the lights, but it doesn’t guarantee instant sleep. You must relax, almost pretend you don’t care about sleep, and surrender to the wave that takes you to dreamland when it’s ready to. You can no sooner control when it arrives than when it departs. You must simply be ready to accept it when it’s here. Which is true in life, and love.
It’s not always easy, it’s like biting your tongue to hold back the truth or containing your joy when things start to look promising. Keeping it in perspective, knowing the truth is it’s just not quite time, is like giving a kid a lollypop and telling them not to lick it. Having patience sounds so noble. And perhaps it is. But here’s what I think – the more you want something, the harder it is to be patient. Yet, at the same time, some things grab your heart and soul and you just know that there is nothing you won’t do to give it every chance possible. You just know it’s worth it, however hard it is to wait.
I’ve found that believing in a higher purpose, believing that everything happens for a reason, makes patience a little easier to exhibit. I’ve started to truly believe that whatever the outcome is, it is the right outcome. Even though I am very clear on what I want, I recognise there are many possibilities and it may not go the way I so dearly wish. So I tell myself, each night, that patience is a virtue. I pat myself on the back for not trying to control the situation.
I’m proud of my dedication to letting life run its course. I’ve focused on letting life show me what it wants to reveal, exposing the journey it has in store for me. Don’t get me wrong, I want to know the ending - but I don’t want the story to be spoilt. I’m focusing on enjoying each day for what it holds, the beauty of pausing and reflecting, the discipline in calming the mind to see the truth of the possibilities ahead. And whilst I hold my dreams and hopes close to my heart, I also embrace acceptance of whatever the future may hold.
So, if there’s something you really want to happen in your life, and it’s something you can’t activate yourself, hang in there. Let life unfold, and try to enjoy the delightful suspense of what just may be around the corner.
Everything comes to you at the right moment. Be patient.
Until next month
Abby x
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