But I did it. By myself. No man required.
Everything aches. My arms ache, my legs ache, my neck aches. My hands ache, my back aches, even my toe aches. But it’s a good ache. It’s ache
from hard work, from determination and from constant trips to Bunnings.
But I did it. By myself. No man required. (Although I do think having a man would have avoided my toe ache, on account that I actually put the fridge down on it trying to move it away from the wall. I’m not saying a guy would have done it
better. It’s pretty hard to put the fridge down on anything but your toe, but it wouldn’t have been MY toe).
You see, I’ve painted. I have painted walls, doors, ceilings, skirting boards and trims. I’ve accidentally painted some carpet, and I’ve painted the windows shut … but hey, it’s about looking at what has gone right, and learning from what didn’t go quite so right, so next time (as if there’s going to be a next time – I ache!) you’ll know what to do differently.
Like anything in life, you might ache from the effort, but the only way to really live life is to jump in and give it a go. Then have a drink, and celebrate your efforts, no matter how it turns out!
So here are a few pointers I can share with you. Don’t look up and roller paint the ceilings, with your mouth open. Nope. And it’s no point trying to paint the ceiling whilst looking at the floor. That’s how the TV got painted.
Here’s another one – don’t leave the open paint tin at the bottom of the ladder. Stop laughing, it can happen.
And no matter how often you see professional painters with a tin on top of their ladder (to avoid the “bottom of the ladder” pitfalls), trust me – paint just travels further from a great height …
But here’s the big tip. You will feel so fantastic when you’ve given your home a makeover, it will be worth all the pain.
You’ll sit back and just feel so proud. And you will have achieved such a great goal. You can look around imagining all the good times ahead, after all the love you’ve put into your newly renovated rooms, and the aches will feel worth it.
In fact, it will inspire you to keep going, to keep painting and making everything fresh and new. It’s exciting, it’s exhilarating and it is so very rewarding.
And you know what else I noticed? The more my body ached from painting, the less my heart ached from the past. The more of myself I poured into my own project, my own goals, my house – the more I was content with who I am and what I wanted. I might just have fixed my own heart, by fixing the walls around me.
Whatever you want to achieve, just believe you can do it. It’s worth the ache.
Till next month,
Abby xx

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