The excitement is building ...
The phone calls are happening, the planning is starting, the time is drawing near and it just feels, truly feels, that this is going to be better than it has ever been before. Do you feel it?
The children feel it, I see them rushing away from school, wishing away the last few days of their year until it’s time.
The pets seem to feel it, they are watching their humans ready to make the dash for the car at the first sign of a suitcase being packed, eager to ensure that they are along for the trip.
Business colleagues feel it, as they create the last of the “to do” lists and shoot off final emails before it’s time.
Friends feel it, and eagerly tag images of cocktails and banquets, beaches and camping trips to each other in preparation for this time.
And I certainly feel it – that this is going to be the best Christmas and New Year’s time.
This time, it does feel different. It feels more “magic”, more exciting, as though dreams are infinitely possible and wishes do come true.
It feels that this will be a celebration of all the joy and happiness that Christmas is meant to have, the way it did when you were tiny, when you believed in a Santa that could bring presents to all who were nice (and apparently to those who were naughty too!). When the world seemed a safe, wonderful, loving place to wake to every day. The excitement, the anticipation, the joy of Christmas Day and the holiday season – do you remember that exquisite feeling of the last day of school, with nothing but six weeks of beach time ahead? Well that’s how it feels this time ….
Perhaps it’s because after the toughest of years, I feel that I am finally free and able to give and receive the love and joy that those around me – and I – deserve.
And isn’t that what life is about? Having room for love, time to celebrate, a feeling of laughter and joy even if there are still busy or sometimes stressful things in the background? While surviving the storm of life is absolutely admirable and we all have to focus on just getting through the truly rough times, we also have to be careful we don’t protect ourselves to the point of not taking risks, not opening up, not letting joy in.
So this time, this year, take a risk – believe in your dreams, believe in the magic and see if you can’t share the joy with those around you … happiness is catching, and when you let these wonderful things be a priority to you again, you automatically remind everyone around you of just how good life can really be.
So join in the fun this year, throw the Christmas Grinch out the window, grab a champagne and celebrate this wonderful time.
Sometimes a woman has to grow up fast, protect herself from harm and forge the path ahead on her own, but what a woman needs to realise is that sometimes she needs to do the exact opposite – and just let go, let the child inside return and allow the wonder of the world to wrap its arms around her.
Please find some time to enjoy Christmas this year, put aside your worries just for a while, toast your family and friends and think of all the things we can be truly grateful for – and all the things we dreamt of that could be just on the horizon.
The best days of our lives are still ahead of us and I hope they bring you peace, happiness and much love over the holiday season.
Be kind to each other, be kind to yourself and let love back in this Christmas.
Merry Christmas, and God bless x
With much love, Abby.
Thank you for your emails this year, I am truly grateful to receive them. You can always reach me at [email protected]. xx