The times, they are a changin’
The words of Bob Dylan’s song have been bouncing around in my head as life seems to head in new directions.
So many things are occurring, it’s almost – but not quite – overwhelming. There are aspects that are incredibly exciting and almost possess a childlike persona. Like an 11-year-old on the cusp of becoming a teenager, their self-belief swinging wildly from overt confidence to self-doubt, seeing a future full of hope yet feeling trepidation at the realities.
And there are other aspects that are coming to their natural conclusion, where the goodbyes are going to be liberating but also slightly sad. Like graduating from a course where you’ve met some great friends – you all promise to catch up, but you know the reality is you probably won’t. Because it’s just the way those ends go, it’s life.
And there’s other aspects of life that are just terrifying. The attack on the Ukraine is on the news as I write this column to you tonight. The visions are chilling, but even more terrifying is what is coming next. We thought we had been through enough with COVID … my heart is breaking for the children, the families, the innocent people who just want to live a good life in their home country. What they are experiencing is unfathomable. And right now, we just don’t know where or how this is going to end.
But this is life. Tonight, babies will be born, Powerball will be won, there will be business successes and people will fall in love. There is terror, there is sadness but there is also the stunning beauty of new beginnings, and new loves that are blossoming to life. It’s more than just looking for the positives in life. It’s about change.
This column was going to be about the wonderful changes that are coming. About the business opportunities that are presenting this year, about the joy in being free to see people and spend real time with them again. And about being finally ready to let some memories fade like favourite printed photographs, to make room for new loves and a world of new experiences to come in.
But these feelings all feel overshadowed tonight. The times are a changin’ for people in Ukraine. In the worst possible way. May they, by some miracle, escape and find safety. I know our thoughts are with them – words are empty, but the sentiment runs deep.
Prayers for Ukraine. Prayers for us all •

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