Run for the Kids is back this March
The Herald Sun and Transurban Run for the Kids will return Sunday, March 17, taking over the streets of Melbourne to raise much-needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
The iconic event, which has hosted more than 400,000 participants and raised more than $21.7 million since its inception, is one of the largest fundraisers for the Good Friday Appeal which supports the lives of Victoria’s sick and most vulnerable kids.
Event organisers are calling all runners, walkers, or volunteers to join the expected 30,000 participants in this year’s event.
The event village build will start on Wednesday, March 13 from 7am in Docklands Park and surrounding areas and be completed by Tuesday, March 19.
The event will be live from 6am Sunday with PA announcements and music on the morning of the event. Sound checks will take place during build times.
According to event organisers, their “objective is to close roads for the shortest possible time, and we are focused on minimising disruption wherever possible.”
“There will be a significant impact on traffic in and around the course during the event, with road closures in place to ensure the safety of participants,” a Run for the Kids public notice said.
“There is no parking on the course itself during the road closure period. Temporary parking restrictions and tow-away zones around Docklands and the wider course will be in place, please obey signage. At all times emergency access and the movement of emergency vehicles takes priority.”
Find more information on all road closures or to participate in the event here. •
Photo credit: Josie Hayden.

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