Margaret’s Grandchild
Margaret O’Driscoll moved to Melbourne from Sydney 12 months ago when her husband relocated for work purposes. She has made Docklands’ Waterfront City her home.
Walking along Central Pier, Margaret is accompanied by Heidi, her golden pure breed Cavalier King Charles. Heidi turned three on Aug 14.
“She is actually my daughter’s dog. That makes her my grandchild,” Margaret said.
According to Margaret, Heidi is now extra special to the family after they lost their 13 year-old Corgi a couple of weeks ago.
Heidi is one lucky pup with her daily walk.
“Every time she hears the clank of the leash, she knows. She gets all excited,” Margaret said.
Although Docklands is still new territory to Heidi, she is fitting in well.
“Heidi has a beautiful temperament. She is exceptionally friendly, even to strangers,” Margaret said.
“She loves her walks. More often than not, she is taking us for a walk, not us taking her for walks,” Margaret joked.
Margaret holds Heidi on her right, and a doggy pan on her left to pick up Heidi’s litter. Strolling by the pier, Heidi does not tug or bolt. She walks leash-side Margaret, stopping occasionally to look at her surroundings.
When she is looking for ‘friends’ around the neighbourhood, Heidi has a slightly different “peer” group in mind. Margaret said Heidi loves chasing the wild rabbits who frequent the far end of the pier towards Harbour Town shopping centre.
“She would sniff them out,” Margaret said.

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