On the wild side

On the wild side

They’re a dynamic trio of superheroes down at Victoria Dock with wide expanses of sea, sky and timber to fire up their imaginations.

That could be the coast guard chuffing past on a mission out to sea. There might be a crime scene developing as well.

The trio is ready for any eventuality in this one last wild place in Docklands where there’s room to hoon around.

Mark Hedger has his patter to keep the action going. Hunter has his bike tricks. And Rex, the bravest of them all, is in training to be a search and rescue dog.

“If a building collapses you do air duty,” Mr Hedger said. “The dog sniffs the air. Our bodies carry scent.”

Since all three live in an apartment in Dock 5, they need to get out quite a lot.

They tear down the dock at a million miles an hour, with Hunter in the lead on his bike.

“I’d be going faster if he wasn’t with us,” Mr Hedger said.

He’s training Rex and that means vast walks through the CBD. The distance Mark and Rex cover each day is mind-boggling.

Mark works as a manager for celebrities and talent and he’ll be down at Channel 7 working out an angle to get coverage.

He’s just as adept at building up Rex’s profile. The Border Collie cross will eventually move towards the more macabre end of the detection spectrum, the cadaver squad where he will hopefully take up a post sniffing out human remains.

“He’ll sniff out the ground for bodies. That’s the end goal.”

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