New councillor is ‘‘Docklands-aware’’
Melbourne’s newest city councillor Jackie Watts says she is aware of and sympathetic with Docklands’ special concerns and needs as an emerging community.
The Carlton resident and community activist replaces Peter Clarke who resigned after being appointed chairman of VicUrban and the Urban Renewal Authority.
Ms Watts was on former Cr Clarke’s team at the last election three years ago and won the seat last month when the votes from that election were recounted.
As convenor of the Combined Residents and Business Associations (CoRBA), Ms Watts has been critical of council electoral structures and lack of transparency.
Ironically, at her first council meeting on July 26, only three out of 12 items from committees and management were open to the public.
Ms Watts told Docklands News she would form a view on the legitimacy of the excessive confidentiality when she had been briefed by council officers.
She said her time on CoRBA meant she was very familiar with the issues confronting Docklands and the concerns of its residents and businesses.