It’s cops on the docks
By Alison Kinkade
As the City of Melbourne takes a “back to basics” approach to policing, Sergeant Brett Clarkson and Acting Sergeant Kerrie Hicks have become the faces of policing in Docklands.
Under the new City of Melbourne Precinct Policing Project, launched last October, the municipality has been divided into 38 separate policing precincts, with Docklands being divided into two – precincts 8 and 9.
Though each precinct varies, generally each has two sergeants and about 10 constables/senior constables to get to know the community and work with it to address any safety or criminal issues they may be facing.
Acting Sergeant Hicks, who has been a member of Victoria Police for more than nine years, is working with Sergeant Howden to cover Precinct 8, which takes in the eastern side of Docklands from LaTrobe St.
Sergeant Brett Clarkson, who has been a policeman for 17 years, is working with Sergeant Mason to cover Precinct 9, which takes in the western side of Docklands beginning from LaTrobe St.
Acting Sergeant Hicks said the teams consisted of operational members from Melbourne West police station who performed duties such as divisional van, foot patrol, licensing duties, and public order management and that they would spend time patrolling in Docklands where possible.
“Precinct policing will allow residents and businesses to have a familiar face when working with police on crime and safety issues.”
“By having direct access to a precinct police team, local people will be able to share information on crime issues and work with police on long-term solutions.”
“This is not about quick fixes to local issues,” Acting Sergeant Hicks said.
Acting Sergeant Hicks said residents and business owners were encouraged to contact their precinct police team about non-urgent crime issues they were concerned with such as graffiti, property damage, anti-social behaviour or drug activity.
All urgent criminal matters should be directed to 000, but Acting Sergeant Hicks and Sergeant Clarkson are encouraging the Docklands community to contact them for any non-urgent matters via email at: [email protected].
Precinct 8 boundaries are: Wurundjeri Way, LaTrobe St, and continuances of the line across Victoria Harbour meeting the Yarra River.
Precinct 9 boundaries are: Harbour Esplanade (from intersection of LaTrobe St), Footscray Rd, Citylink, Dynon Rd, Sims St and then following the water’s edge of Maribyrnong River, Yarra River to the line of continuance from LaTrobe St across Victoria Harbour.
For additional information about the City of Melbourne Precinct Policing project and relevant maps please visit, and select Community Safety, Precinct Policing.
To contact Melbourne West police station, call 9247 5384.

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