It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas …
Finally, there is a feeling of celebration in the air! I’ve never been so happy to see the shelves stocked with tinsel and to start to peruse cookbooks for Christmas feast planning … even if it is to end up with the inevitable prawn cocktail, roast chicken and pavlova!
The anticipation of actually seeing family for Christmas is bringing fresh joy to the end of the year. It seems valid to be spending time indulging in the planning of the holidays, in the present giving, in the menu planning, in the wine matching and the music selections.
In years gone past, it felt a touch – well, frivolous. It felt that the expense and fuss of Christmas had gone too far, and I always wished we could give more to charity and to making a difference in the world. It felt disgustingly decadent to think of such a feast when there were so many people suffering. I always wanting to “simplify” the festive season.
But now it’s different. Now it feels important, and my heart yearns to reach my family. The presents being planned aren’t indulgent – they’re tokens, of our love and appreciation. The food isn’t decadent, it’s a celebration of joy and relief. And while we still will absolutely give to charity and people suffering will still be on our mind, this year our celebration is different. We all deserve this celebration, we have earnt it. Never has the understanding of how lucky we are, been more poignant. Never has the appreciation of being in the same room as family and friends, been more pointed.
We have come through a pandemic. And we have never been more grateful for the simplicity of being with the people that we love. Our grandmothers and grandfathers. Our parents. Our siblings and children. All in one room, safe – for now.
Who knows what the future will bring, but at least we can make plans for the end of this incredibly tough 2021. I hope your heart is full of joy for the end of the year. And I hope that your soul is full of hope for 2022. I know how hard you worked this year, I know how tough it was.
Celebrate, rejoice – may there be great peace. Merry Christmas.
With much love,
Abby •

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