How d’ya say Docklands?

How d’ya say Docklands?

There are two competing pronunciations of the word Docklands.

Some say “Dock-lands” while others say “Dock-l’nds.” The difference is that both syllables are stressed in the first example, while only the first syllable is stressed in the second example. Personally, I say “Dock-lands”. I also say that I live near “Malbourne”, opposed to others who might say that they live near “Melbourne”. Perhaps I need to correct my accent?

Macquarie University has undertaken research that has looked at the evolution of the Australian accent. Their work on Australian English (a regional dialect of the English language) has found that, though each of us have some individual flair in our speech, for the most part, Australians sound similar. Maybe mine, and others’ mis-speakings can be excused given that we all seem to understand one another despite our minor differences in dialect.

But I am still left wondering, is there a correct way to say Docklands?

I consulted Professor Kate Burridge, a linguist from Monash University to delineate the pronunciation of Docklands.

Kate explained that words that name places often get shortened in speech, due to the fact that they are said so frequently.

Kate went on to explain that you would be able to discern a difference between an Australian saying “Australia” and an outsider pronouncing “Australia” because of this tendency to shorten name places that are commonly spoken.

“Australia is often pronounced ‘Stray-ya’ by those who live here,” Kate said

A similar characteristic might emerge in Docklands.

Kate suspects that those who live in Docklands would be more prone to say “Dock-l’nds”. She suspects this as insiders would tend to say the name of the town more frequently in speech than an outsider.

“Given that the area is still emerging, a name that locals and outsiders adopt will become more apparent in time.”

I feel uncomfortable to start saying “Dock-l’nds”. I prefer saying “Dock-lands”. There isn’t a correct way. Maybe in time I will get so lazy that I succumb to the conformity of saying “Dock-l’nds”.

David Sibenaler is a science journalist.

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