Docklands crime rate soars

Docklands crime rate soars

The crime rate in Docklands continues to soar, with the latest figures showing a jump in the overall crime rate of 23.5 per cent in the year to March 31, 2018.

The latest rise in the crime rate is a continuation of a trend that shows a rise of 281.5 per cent in the number of reports crimes in Docklands since 2009. In that year, only 492 crimes were reported. The 2018 Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) data reveals 1877 crimes were reported in Docklands in 2018.

The biggest crime-category rise since last year was in “drug offences”. In 2017, 85 drug offences were reported but in 2018 this number has risen to 139 – a jump of 63 per cent.

“Crimes against the person” were also up steeply, with a 28 per cent rise since 2017. The number of reports jumped from 257 last year to 329 in 2018.

The largest number of crimes continues to be in the “property and deception offences” category where 1101 incidents were reported in 2018 – up 20 per cent on the 917 which were reported in 2917.

“Public order and security offences” were up 23 per cent in 2018 – from 143 to 176 reports.

“Justice procedures offences” also rose 16.6 per cent between 2017 and 2018 – from 108 – 126 incidents.

The number of “other offences” fell from nine to six in the same period.

And, while the crime rate soars in Docklands, it is still relatively low compared with the CBD, where 16,364 incidents were recorded in 2018.

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