It’s great to see the weather warming up a bit.
Greetings everybody.
I attended the induction meeting of the Community Forum on September 19. The group includes representatives from the Docklands Community Association, the Chamber of Commerce, Destination Docklands, waterways businesses and five individuals – comprising two business people, one worker, one young parent and one older resident. Meetings will be held every two months attended by council and Places Victoria officers.
An objective is to put forward views to the Docklands Steering Group which is a committee of officers who decide on strategies and action plans. I also attended the first programmed meeting on September 26.
I also attended on September 25 the launch by the Lord Mayor of the construction of the new community centre and library. Occupancy is scheduled for the end of 2013.
Regrettably, council has informed us there will be no fireworks in Docklands at 9.30 pm this New Year’s Eve. There will be a midnight one.
They say it is due to crowd management issues, not in Docklands itself, but in the merge afterwards with the crowds from the city.
I responded to the council director that we had not heard of problems in previous years and that families enjoy the earlier event with their children and it draws a large crowd to the area.
Interestingly, council proposed withdrawal of the earlier 9.30 event in 2009 but was forced to reinstate it following protests. The reason given on that occasion was cost, on the basis that it was too expensive when added to the cost of the other city displays. I think that we should lodge a protest in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce whose businesses are also affected.
The DCA has been contacted by the new commander of the City West Police Station, Snr Sgt Michael Wilmot, who wanted to introduce himself and wishes to work closely with the Docklands community. He would like us to become actively involved in the Precinct Policing Program, which we will do. We will arrange a date to meet with him later in the year after he returns from overseas.
Two other OC chairs, who are also DCA members, and myself met with Places Victoria officers including Simon Wilson who confirmed that MAB want to put more residential towers at the rear of the existing buildings on NewQuay East instead of lower commercial buildings as originally planned. The privacy, traffic, lack of adequate access and other problems were raised. We got no conciliatory response and will have to take the matter further.
Places Victoria has called for expressions of interest to provide a place of worship in Docklands. They refer to a possible site on Footscray Rd, south of Costco but will consider other suggestions from interested developers. As to how a religious denomination will be selected is unclear.
I would like to take the opportunity to point out that the DCA makes supporting comments on proposals that benefit Docklands not only for residents but also for workers and businesses.
Examples are provision of recreation facilities, ferry service and redevelopment of Harbour Esplanade which we are pushing. We believe the esplanade is a focal point for entry from the city to Docklands and should be developed as a linear park not only for locals but for all visitors. Peter Clarke agreed with this in recent discussions.
On the other hand, if there are any issues such as traffic congestion, lack of car parking or any developer plans which are disadvantageous to residents and others, we will continue to say so and raise this with the authorities in an attempt to obtain corrective action.
If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected] If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.
Roger Gardner, President, DCA