News from the DCA
Greetings everybody
The official opening of our new community centre/library is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 31 and I understand all are invited to attend. It will be a great asset for the community and I’m sure everybody is keen to see it.
There is certainly no shortage of coming events in Docklands ranging from a film shoot of a French period story starring Pierce Brosnan using the Enterprise vessel May 6 to 8, a winter festival of fireworks at NewQuay every Friday night from July 4 through August 29 and another Etihad concert by Justin Timberlake in September.
The Esplanade work continues with the Stage One wharf repairs well underway. Now Places Victoria has suddenly asked for community input with ideas for the type and composition of the re-development and what it will comprise.
That’s good to involve us but they’ve given only one month to June 6 to do it, which is hardly enough time for such a watershed far-reaching project and the fact that it will take years to complete.
I criticised this lack of time at the Community Forum on April 30. I also criticised the fact that they have given us no options to choose from – meaning therefore how are they going to sort out a dog’s breakfast of ideas? The DCA will conduct a survey of members. We will provide options ourselves to rank.
Forgive my scepticism, but I believe that Places Victoria and the council already have their own ideas and concept plans and they should have presented them to us to comment on. I say this because on a number of occasions they have stated they intend to put old cargo sheds on the Esplanade. So is this just a sham community consultation and what else have they got in mind that they should tell us.
The Esplanade extending from Bourke St to Docklands Drive is the focal point of entry into Docklands and attractive re-development to welcome people is essential. When questioned at the forum, Rob Moore, council’s urban design manager, stated that there is no contract requiring council to use the sheds, which are in storage but he likes the idea of putting them there. The resident opinion seems to be that nobody wants old cargo sheds on there and green space is a priority. We’ll get on with the survey.
We have asked council if they can help us with somewhere to hold some get-together functions for residents to cut down on expense. We used to hold them at the Hub but have had to pay for venues ever since council removed approval to have liquor there. We have asked if a liquor licence can be made available at the new community centre.
We are campaigning for Places Victoria and the council to locate children’s playgrounds in Victoria Harbour and NewQuay. Currently the only playground north of the river is the one at the Flinders St end of the Esplanade, which is insufficient.
We have been told by council that the previous small one in NewQuay East near the Conder, that was removed by the developer, will be relocated to the planned Western Park at Bolte Bridge. That location will not be within reasonable walking distance for children. We recommend that be re-considered. Perhaps the developer should be asked to provide space in a more central location. In terms of providing for Victoria Harbour residents, we hear a playground may be provided in the new park fronting the new community centre at the end of Bourke St.
Legislation to regulate serviced apartments is still being prepared. Interstate owners corporation organisations are waiting to see what Victoria comes up with.
We have asked the council to attend to cleaning and maintenance items in NewQuay. If there are similar matters requiring attention in other areas please let me know and we will pass on to council.
If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]
If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706. You can also keep up with things on our website
Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands