Any improved change is welcome.
Greetings everybody.
The City of Melbourne and Places Victoria conducted a forum on March 20 to inform the community of changes to the governance of Docklands to provide for more community consultation.
Any improved change is welcome. The forum will be reported on in more detail elsewhere in this paper.
The DCA, being the principal resident group, was represented at the meeting as was the Docklands Chamber of Commerce. I expressed concern at the meeting that neither organisation was mentioned anywhere in the notices issued by council and PA, despite being the main conduits for community and business opinion.
Speaking on behalf of the DCA, perhaps they think we have too much to say in relation to their planning and operations. The DCA will of course continue to speak on behalf of residents, as do other community groups throughout the city.
A significant number of those present recommended that the DCA and the chamber be represented on the Docklands Steering Group, a committee to develop strategy having regard to community input, which would be gauged from a few forums to be held during the year.
I stated and it was accepted that we will continue to raise issues with CoM or PV as required during the year rather than being restricted to the forums. The numbers attending “forum” meetings are usually not large. I believe it is essential that we be represented on the Steering Group.
Community comment at the “forum” level only is unlikely to gain much in the way of improved consultation in terms of input into decisions and offers no guarantee that views will be taken into account.
Whilst on the subject of community consultation, I continue to attend the monthly meetings of CoRBA, the coalition of resident groups from various areas of the city. I have been chairing recent meetings.
A main continuing topic is the need for greater consultation with all areas by the council, before the event not after. It is a continuing theme. The last meeting on March 14 was attended by Kathy Alexander, Council’s CEO who, with support staff, detailed their new consultation structure. This refers to a general process with up-down stages, apart from the special case of Docklands governance. Hopefully the process will result in community views being taken into account before decisions are made, for all areas.
On other matters, council officers are scheduled to make a presentation to the DCA in April to provide layouts of the new community centre and library, construction of which is due to commence this year.
To our knowledge no decision has yet been made by Minister Guy in relation to the MAB development plans for NewQuay Central / Waterfront City, to which council and ourselves lodged objections.
A number attended a presentation by council officers of the proposed tree replacement program for the CBD and Docklands held at the Hub on March 7. 40 per cent of the city’s existing trees will die over the next 20 years and a staged replacement program will start shortly. Precincts will be consulted when their areas are due to be done.
I along with six other Docklands residents attended the open space forum held in the council’s chambers on March 8. The council-run forum comprised groups from various areas of the municipality. Some are more affected than others.
Our group responded that there was insufficient land-based open space in Docklands and we want what we have to be developed for community leisure and recreational uses, including parkland.
We continue to keep members informed of events and activities being held or available in Docklands for their interest and participation. There is no shortage.
If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected] If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706. You can also keep up with things on our website
Great to be in touch again.
Roger Gardner
President DCA