Cranes named by local grade ones


If you’ve recently passed through the new Melbourne Quarter precinct between Flinders and Collins streets opposite Southern Cross Station, you might have noticed some interesting names emblazoned on four cranes.

“Linda”, “Super Lifter”, “Mr Cart” and “School” were the names chosen by four creative Grade One students from Docklands Primary School.

Developer Lendlease held the name-a-crane competition to creatively engage the school, which opened last year.

Julia called her crane Linda. Why? “It’s my sister’s name,” she said.

Maithili named his crane Mr Cart “because it’s similar to a crane and has a ‘C’ as its first letter,” he explained.

Devansh gave his crane the heroic moniker “Super Lifter” as “it’s a cool name and cranes can lift anything, so they’re super!”

And finally, Spyro’s crane, which will join the others later this year, is simply named “School”.

“I love school!” Spyro clarified.

Besides their task to help build the new Melbourne Quarter Tower, the cranes will also light up with symbolic colours on important community dates, from Naidoc Week to World Aids Day.

The 34-level building will become Medibank’s new national headquarters, with the entire tower set to be home to around 15,000 employees.  

With construction expected to finish in 2024, Melbourne Quarter Tower will complete the precinct’s public square and the final phase of the elevated Sky Park, the first of its kind in Melbourne •

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