Our AGM was held on July 15 with an attendance of about 50.
Our AGM was held on July 15 with an attendance of about 50. A committee of six was elected with three new members. Welcome to the new members and we will be holding our first committee meeting in August. Social activity planning will be included.
Many thanks to Bovis Lend Lease for providing the venue for the AGM and for giving a presentation on their plans for future development of Victoria Harbour.
Our website is up and running with plenty of content. Please check it out and any comments are welcome.
At the invitation of VicUrban I attended the launch of Docklands The Second Decade officiated by Minister Justin Madden, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle and VicUrban, which I have commented on separately. The presentation talked about further development with the inclusion of infrastructure. They are looking for community input and ideas. We will prepare a submission from the DCA and refer a draft to members for comment.
I was part of a small deputation of CoRBA members [combined resident groups] who met with Minister Madden on July 13, requesting more consultation on urban planning matters.
We have also been invited by the City of Melbourne to make a submission regarding their Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS). Its release document includes a statement that the development of new buildings (city wide) will be co-ordinated with well-developed public space. We look forward to that applying to Docklands. Obviously council’s plan has to be tied in with the Government’s Second Decade.
Following a number of enquiries, I asked VicUrban what is planned for the concrete area between the Esplanade and the water stretching from the NAB to NewQuay and was told there is no plan yet but they fully expect to have one for comment next year.
We keep circulating updates to members on the current redevelopment as received from VicUrban.
If any member or reader for that matter has any suggestions they wish to put forward to the DCA with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on the email address above.
Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.
Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch.
Roger Gardner
President DCA