Don’t forget the presentation
Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.
Don’t forget that the presentation by VicUrban to members detailing the planned redevelopment of Harbour Esplanade will take place at 7.15pm on Thursday, April 8 in the Arkley resident lounge.
We have always held group meetings and functions at The Hub community centre and were surprised to learn that it is booked out at night for the rest of the year, although it is hardly a surprise really seeing it is so small and demand obviously keeps increasing.
We understand it was originally put there by VicUrban as a temporary centre but they have yet to provide a larger one as a result of which we are left out in the cold. Where are we going to hold our AGM? We don’t like the idea of paying a lot of money
to use a private facility. We complained to VicUrban in mid-March asking them if they can do something to assist but no response yet.
Whilst on the subject of The Hub, as with other areas of Docklands, there is a severe lack of parking there. There is no off street parking for the people including mothers with children who attend there. We have suggested to council that they convert two no-standing recessed bays off Waterview Walk to parking but we’re told it’s no standing (for no good reason except, of course, the revenue from $117 fines) and that’s that. Not the least bit helpful. We have requested the matter be reviewed.
Council has advised it is going to put up no motorbike signs on the NewQuay Promenade at last which will please residents.
We had made a request to the Department of Transport on behalf of Yarra’s Edge commuters to the city that a shelter be provided at the tram stop at the turn into Flinders St. They replied that this was not part of their plan, despite a helpful push from Bronwyn Pike’s office.
We have yet to be notified when objections, of which there are a number, will be heard regarding the liquor licence application for a bar in
St Mangos Lane.
The DCA website development is underway with a design firm and should be ready within a month.
I had the pleasure of being guest speaker at the March meeting of the Docklands branch of Rotary, at which I explained our activities and avenues for liaison were discussed.
If any member, or reader for that matter, has any suggestions they wish to put forward to the DCA with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on the email address above.
Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch.
Roger Gardner
President DCA