The latest Harbour Esplanade work makes one wonder what’s going to happen next

The latest Harbour Esplanade work makes one wonder what’s going to happen next

Hello again to everybody. I hope you had an enjoyable Easter and a welcome break.

The latest Harbour Esplanade work makes one wonder what’s going to happen next. Now that the repositioning of the tram tracks is virtually finished, there is a gaping long stretch of space on the western side between where the old tracks were and the foot/bikepath beside the raised wide concrete area which extends to the water.  

The width in parts to the water is 70 metres or more and it stretches from Bourke St to NewQuay.

Clearly, extra car lanes could have been fitted in but it’s too late for that, unless the new trees could be moved back.

So what’s to become of the long empty section which you can now walk along? We would expect that it will be consolidated with the present concrete area into a large public space and parkland incorporating a bike and foot path.

VicUrban keeps saying it doesn’t have plans ready yet, but it could at least tell us in broad terms.  

Presumably, the project will take years to complete. So what’s going to be done with the long empty space in the meantime?  Come on VicUrban, give us something to go on!  

With lip service being given to public consultation, a big concern is that it will all be worked out behind closed doors and the public presented with a fait accompli. We certainly don’t want it sold off to developers!

Regarding public consultation, following representations from CoRBA, the combined resident’s group, the Lord Mayor has arranged for representatives, including myself, to meet with the council’s CEO in May.

Further comments regarding the lack of action in determining the development of Western Park are contained in a separate article in this edition.  We are calling for a temporary clean up of the area to enable people to make use of it in the meantime.

On the social front, we are organising a social night for members to be held at the end of July. Details will be provided in due course.

More free boat tours run by the Port of Melbourne Authority are scheduled for May and details will be supplied.  

We are continuing to forward details of other activities as they arise including those held at the Hub community centre.

In the next edition I will be talking about the need for developers to consult with adjoining residents before they start a new building construction.

If any reader wishes to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward they are welcome to do so by contacting us on [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

You can keep up with things on our website

Roger Gardner
President DCA

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