The ball is in VicUrban’s court

The ball is in VicUrban’s court

We haven’t heard anything further from VicUrban regarding the options for the development of Western Park, which include the proposed development submitted by the Melbourne Football Club.

Not that we are necessarily against the MFC proposal, but we had requested VicUrban to provide more concept detail for other options for public space to enable public evaluation.  This issue is, of course, linked in with the need for more open space and parkland in Docklands about which we seem to be getting nowhere fast. The ball is in VicUrban’s court.

Associated with this lack of open space and parkland is the question of what is going to be done with the large Esplanade foreshore area. As previously stated, we believe it is time for VicUrban to give us some idea of what they have in mind. We believe that the foreshore provides a great opportunity for development of open space and parkland together with recreational activities. A rumour that VicUrban proposes yet more retail is cause for real concern.  We continue to agitate for proper community consultation.

I recently met with senior City of Melbourne staff regarding Docklands events planning and the need for a formal procedure for vetting and approving applications by organisations to hold events – our purpose being to protect resident amenity and welfare. Whilst we don’t have much occasion to object, the odd event comes up that we are concerned about because of noise, positioning or behaviour problems. We also need confirmation of instructions issued regarding clean-up, security, etc.  

I took the opportunity to point out that with the growth in the resident population, resident amenity should no longer be regarded as secondary.  We want to know what’s coming up and we want to be consulted beforehand.  Community consultation ceased over a year ago when the council stopped holding events review meetings. They have now proposed to issue us with a rolling events listing for review including those not yet approved, which we will circulate to members. We’ll see how it goes.

I am continuing to attend meetings of CORBA, the combined community groups, which is active in taking up community and planning issues with the State Government and council.

We are continuing to forward details of various activities to members including the host of activities held at the Hub community centre.

I would like to thank those who responded to my appeal to members for additional people to join our DCA committee to assist with the expanding workload. The response was great.

By the way it’s good to see the Norfolk Pines being planted and we hope they’ll grow fairly quickly! One of these days the roadworks will be finished.
If any reader wishes to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

You can keep up with things on our website

Roger Gardner
President DCA

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