Central Pier rehab continues
A rehabilitation program to stabilise a section of Central Pier in Docklands is continuing, with work now focused on the structure under the pier deck, and around the pier edges.
Stage three of the program is now almost complete, which has seen the replacement pre-cast concrete slabs, the removal and replacement of timber bearings and the rearrangement of access arrangement to the north side of Central Pier, including a new wheelchair accessible ramp.
Development Victoria’s group head precincts, Geoff Ward, said the earlier works had been very visible and the focus would now shift to repair work under the pier.
“This work will continue for some time and we must ensure it is carried out in a safe manner. Central Pier is more than 100 years old and the work across the pier will ensure its safety and integrity,” he said.
“Due to the sensitivity of the structure and the works about to start, there’s a need to find alternative options for the boats berthed on the north side of Central Pier.”
“The City of Melbourne has been working with the operators for several months and two of the three have taken the opportunity to relocate. It is an issue of safety.”
Development Victoria is managing the rehabilitation program and said the stakeholders and tenants most impacted by the works had been extremely supportive.
“We have liaised with tenants and stakeholders of Central Pier and they understand the importance of this program,” Mr Ward said.
“We know this is impacting on the operations of businesses in and around Central Pier and we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.”
“Central Pier is such an iconic piece of maritime infrastructure in Melbourne and this work is important for its continued use.”
The current program is the next phase in a series of works that commenced in 2017. Development Victoria has also worked closely with Heritage Victoria and the City of Melbourne to safeguard this prominent heritage asset.
Development Victoria encourages patrons of the restaurants and hospitality venues, residents, commuters and other users of Central Pier to take note of contractor signage and access instructions during the maintenance works.

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