Amanda’s Angle - June 2009
I want to start this month by saying to those of you that were expecting the more sophisticated article that I promised, well forget it.
I know I promised that I would try, but actually after spending my birthday at Dreamworld and going on my first ever roller coaster, I have discovered I am now more immature than I realised.
So back to normal and the normal rationale of my mind. I am currently flat hunting in Docklands and I am finding the process very difficult. Not only can I not find anything in my price range when I do find a good one I am competing against another 50 applicants who all offer more than I can afford … not fair. Don’t they know who I am!
And then the estate agents suggest that on my budget I should look at surrounding suburbs and I think, great I could live in Port Melbourne but then they hand me the schedules for property in Footscray and Spotswood. No way. I am a Docklander there has to be a solution.
Anyway, on a gin-filled haze one evening it came to me – THE WHEEL.
There we have 21 compact homes and it is not going anywhere for the next 12 months. And then I remembered the publicity that David Blain got when he was suspended in a glass box above the Thames in London for 44 days, a great tourist attraction. He attracted global media.
I could do the same. This could be great for Docklands and great for me! Close to the shops, excellent views, close to public transport. I am sold!
Then came Saturday morning. What was I thinking? I suffer from claustrophobia. I have vertigo. I am over 6ft tall. Not to mention, where would I go to the toilet?
I am still looking. Any serious suggestions welcome.