Adelaide based One and All comes to Melbourne for International Rotary Convention
Adelaide based Tall Ship One and All came to Melbourne on a blustery rain swept day in May.
On board there were young people from South Australia and Victoria on a Rotary sponsored Youth Sail Training Voyage from Adelaide to Melbourne.
The timing of arrival was to coincide with the International Rotary Convention being held in Melbourne from May 26 to 31.
The One and All will be a fixture in Docklands throughout the convention where delegates are being engaged to consider sponsoring young people on a Youth Sail Training program through their local Rotary Clubs.
This is good news for the local Docklands 120-year-old tall ship Alma Doepel that is currently undergoing a full restoration in Victoria Harbour near the Bolte Bridge.
Once complete and back to operational service, Alma Doepel will be running a series of Youth Sail Training programs and local Rotary Clubs are already showing strong interest in sponsoring young people from their districts.
Sponsorships have already been received from Moorabbin and Hawthorn Rotary Clubs and the Rotary International Yachting Fellowship Victoria Fleet.
Youth sail training programs draw from the ocean and the medium of traditional tall ship sailing to provide the conditions and environment in which life changing experiences can occur.
Tall ship sailing provides participants with the opportunity to learn about themselves, leadership, teamwork, resilience and provides an immersive experience which can develop passion, empathy, and life skills.
The One and All will be berthed at Melbourne City Marina and conducting a series of daytime voyages – booking out fast! She leaves for Adelaide with another group of Rotary sponsored young people from South Australia and Victoria on June 3. You have until then to head down to Docklands and have a look.
Take a stroll down to Shed 2 under the Bolte Bridge and see work on the Alma Doepel.

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