The symbolism of the arrow

The symbolism of the arrow

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”

I heard this quote some time ago, and I have to say that I’ve been holding onto it a lot this year. Trying to reflect on it for reassurance, to help maintain some motivation when things have gone wrong. On my journey this year, I have frequently felt that life is pulling me back where I have visualised progress, where I have seen situations moving forward and seen myself succeeding in my goals. While there have certainly been successes along the way – it is not, after all, all negative – overall, I have felt that I have been pulled back from so much of that which I could see ahead.

It has felt like the love that I thought would be secure has been withdrawn. It has felt like the trust that I thought would never be broken has been shattered. It has felt like the vitality that I thought would never be eternal has shown itself to be fragile and finite. This is not from the actions of people per se, but simply from the consistent knock downs, the consistent “backwards steps” that no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to make move forwards, and the devastation of some catastrophic events that have left me breathless and broken.

And certainly, within my circle of “nearest and dearest,” I am not alone. And so, I have been hanging onto the symbolism of the arrow. I have focused on the meaning of the arrow, as representing courage. Courage is one of the highest qualities of the spirit; it takes courage to face the events of life without fear, and it takes courage to live a life of making decisions out of love. It takes courage to move forward, and the arrow portrays staying focused and having courage to aim for your dreams. Life may present in all sorts of circling lines, running up and down without rhyme nor reason. But an arrow is straight, and shoots direct to its target only when pulled back, and aimed.

So, as we end this year, I reflect on loss, on sadness, on broken dreams. But I also reflect on the closing of a decade that through all its monumental highs and devastating lows has been an incredible journey. And I also realise that the feeling of being pulled back, or being held back by some force I have not quite been able to come to terms with, has in fact been my arrow slowly pulling back to maximum torte. And so, I now stand, in a metaphysical warrior pose, ready for this new decade to begin. I now take my hand and pull my imaginary arrow back to my cheek and I am starting to focus on where I am aiming. And when I am ready, I will launch my arrow and I will be fully ready to courageously follow my path to my destination, to my success, to my happiness.

At the closing of this year, at the closing of this decade, I wish you courage in all you pursue. I hope that you can make your decisions with love, and I hope that you find great peace within your travels. I wish you success, I wish you joy, and I wish you prosperity. And I pray that we all may find this new decade sooths the wounded, replenishes the givers, and restores peace. May it bring great hope, and deliver worthy outcomes.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Thank you for the privilege of writing for you for another year.

With much love, Abby x

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