A local legend!
Docklands Primary School crossing supervisor James Bartolo has one of the most important jobs in Docklands.
The cheerful crossing supervisor has quickly become a local favourite for families, teachers and pedestrians using the busy Docklands Drive and Footscray Rd intersection.
With children and their parents having to navigate the swathe of commuter cyclists, pedestrians, vehicles and trams that travel trough the busy junction every day, Mr Bartolo said it was his job to ensure everyone followed his lead.
“I’ve got to watch both sides. It’s a bit of a mongrel crossing because the cars here get to the end and realise they have to stop,” he said. “Delivery riders sometimes get really angry and they try to go around me and I say ‘you stay right where you are!’”
“You have to be alert. I had one the other day that was trying to get around me and it was a blacked-out Holden … it turned out to be an undercover cop. I still said, ‘you’re not getting through!’ So, he didn’t! It was good to have a bit of power.”
While ensuring students managed to get to and from school safely every day, Mr Bartolo has already struck up bonds with many in the community and he said he was enjoying connecting with families and teachers alike.
Keep up the good work, James! •

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