New faces guarantee local voice
Issue 25 – April/May 2007
With the transfer of municipal authority almost complete, the new Docklands Coordination Committee promises to tackle issues relevant to the Docklands community.
The City of Melbourne and VicUrban have established the Docklands joint working group as a forerunner to the Docklands Coordination Committee, which will manage Docklands’ municipal functions for certain areas post 1 July 2007. The Docklands Coordination Committee will report to council’s Docklands Committee and the VicUrban Board.
The new committee is made of six senior representatives from the two organisations and is chaired by City of Melbourne Councillor Peter Clarke and VicUrban board member Gabrielle Trainor and also includes City of Melbourne chief executive David Pitchford, City of Melbourne director commerce and marketing Scott Chapman, VicUrban Chief Executive Officer Pru Sanderson and VicUrban general manager Docklands and major projects Michael Hynes.
The committee meets bi-monthly and is a public meeting – open to all who are interested in attending.
The committee is establishing a framework for the ongoing cooperation between council and VicUrban to work to a shared vision for Docklands.
The Docklands Coordination Committee will oversee the Docklands precinct and approve place management, finance and infrastructure plans.
On 1 July 2007, Docklands will again become part of the City of Melbourne.

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