Keeping sweet in Docklands is a French thing to do

Keeping sweet in Docklands is a French thing to do

I’m going to say something I shouldn’t say: getting away from my desk is one of the best things about working. Let’s hope my boss doesn’t read this!

Getting out and about in the Docklands on my lunch break, and occasionally before and after work, keeps me motivated and helps put things into perspective. And I’m learning that there really is more to life than getting wound up over other people’s food getting mouldy in the staff fridge.

Luckily, Docklands is massive – and growing – and I’m still discovering cool little places all the time.

One such cool little place was recently introduced to me by a colleague. While I can’t tell you the name of this place (as I’m sure it will mean the “end” of this place staying cool), I can tell you that it’s a

French patisserie down by the sheds at Victoria Harbour (surely that’s a big enough clue?).

The last time I was there, just before Anzac Day, I popped in with my work mate, Tam. We both squealed with delight when we spotted a never-seen-before “Aussie/French ensemble” – chocolate mousse sandwiched between two homemade Anzac biscuits. Ooh la la!

Our hearts melted and our tongues salivated and we parted with a few gold coins for what I now see as a true privilege. As we chatted along the promenade on the way back to work, Tam devoured the said privilege before I could say “c’est la vie” (that’s the only French expression I know).

I honestly didn’t see her take one bite – all I saw was an empty brown paper bag. When I got back to my desk and devoured my biscuit equally as quickly, my judgement towards Tam’s fast-eating etiquette instantly dissipated.

Best. Sweet thing. Ever.

We talked about how good the biscuit tasted, how well the soft and hard textures worked together, how it quite possibly changed our lives, and … well then we realised we had deadlines and work to do.

The following week, Tam and I went back to the patisserie. We (or at least I) felt like relapsing junkies, craving another biscuit hit no matter what the cost.

“No more Anzac biscuits until next year,” we were told. Our hearts almost stopped and our tongues dried up.

Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.

As we walked back to the office, we talked about what would have, could have, should have been. But then we both realised that there would be other delicious things to eat next time, like crème brulee, custard tart, chocolate éclair, opera cake, macaron …

Tam and I are heading back to the patisserie next week. This time, though, we’re going to focus on the lovely views of Victoria Harbour, the fine bone China and the authentic staff. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll have something sweet to eat (who are we kidding – of course we’ll have something sweet to eat!).

Vive le Docklands!

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