Yarra’s Edge is at last reconnected with the city

Yarra’s Edge is at last reconnected with the city

After about four years being cut off from the South Wharf area, the pedestrian and cycle linkage under the Charles Grimes Bridge was finally and permanently reinstated last month.

This is two years earlier than was expected, thanks to the dedicated efforts of a band of Yarra’s Edge residents who fought Melbourne Water and contractor John Holland’s plans to keep the link closed until 2012.

Firstly the trail was closed for three years due to the construction of the South Wharf complex.  Then Melbourne Water and John Holland proposed a further three-year closure as part of the Main Melbourne Sewer Replacement project.

Resident Cobien Watts intervened and, with a lot of help from her friends, negotiated a temporary reinstatement.  That involved a “rickety” set of stairs and some dodging and weaving but hardy souls could at least negotiate access.

Financial woes struck the project about four months ago and work on the permanent access stopped.

So Cobien fired into action again with emails to the hierarchies of the various associated companies of builders, owners and managers.

The result was that the path was finally opened in late September and Cobien couldn’t have been happier.

“Well what can say?  It really is a wonderful feeling shared by many Dockland residents and workers who have sent me many a big thank you for actually getting it done,” she said.

“First I battled with Melbourne Water and John Holland. Then we were presented with rickety steps thrown together from left over building materials by South Wharf Retail ignoring cyclist, wheelchair and disabled access.”

“Then with the financial problems at DFO the building of the walkway was stopped half way for several months.”

“Eventually after negotiations with Melbourne Water and John Holland (and the banks) Contexx agreed to finish the walkway /ramp by the end of September.”

“Yep I am happy. It was definitely worth the effort,” Cobien said.

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