Robert connects with the people

For artist Robert Lee Davis, it’s all about connections.

So it’s no surprise that his work Mirage Rising was announced the People’s Choice Award winner of the ANL Maritime Art Prize and Exhibition on November 8.

More people liked his work than any other during the popular Docklands-based exhibition which was on display during October.

Mr Davis was flattered and overwhelmed when award sponsor, Tony Cousins of PB Towage, announced his $3000 prize.

It was especially pleasing for Mr Davis as he has only been in Australia since last December, having accepted an invitation to visit a friend for Christmas.

Mr Davis had spent his previous 10 years in Shanghai, China and has also spent time in Egypt.

He said his work symbolised the interconnectedness between humanity and the sea.

“The striking thing about Australia is the openness of the culture and how people are made to feel welcome,” he said. “Internationally, Australians are known as the most hospitable people.”

“My work celebrates the journeys and connections between people of all cultures.”

Mr Davis’s 28 x 76 cm work in magazine collage, acrylic, ink and coloured pencils obviously appealed to visitors of the annual art show at the Mission to Seafarers in Flinders St, Docklands.

In introducing the People’s Choice Award, mission vice-chairman Captain Nigel Porteous paid tribute to the Asset 1 WTC and PB Towage for their sponsorships.

He said the Docklands-based art prize was the biggest maritime art prize in Australia and could soon be among the biggest in the world.

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