Picture-perfect wedding outfit

Picture-perfect wedding outfit

Local  resident and business-owner Joh Maxwell celebrated her daughter Jenni’s wedding last month, while wearing a mother-of-the-bride outfit made right here  in Docklands.

Joh (pictured above with Jenni and husband Alan) said Artistic Styling’s Hanh Tran designed and created the outfit, which was made from silk Joh had picked up while on a business trip in Abu Dhabi.

“I had an idea of what I wanted and explained it to Hanh who was able to draft a pattern, take care of fittings and create the outfit,” Joh said

Hanh also helped with alterations to the bridesmaid dresses.

Hanh said she was ecstatic that Joh was so pleased with the end result.

“The best part of my job is meeting people like Joh,” Hanh said.

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