Improve knowledge about adult ADHD

Improve knowledge about adult ADHD

A monthly workshop on Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among adults is taking place at Library at The Dock.

On the second Saturday of each month, non-profit organisation Adult ADHD Melbourne will hold peer-support meetings or question-and-answer sessions with experts about ADHD in adults.

Adults affected by ADHD and their families and friends are encouraged to attend the monthly session.

Clinical psychologist with a specialisation in ADHD among adolescents and adults, Dr Tim Edwards-Hart, led the first discussion in Docklands on June 10.

Dr Edwards-Hart says the workshops and meetings explain what ADHD is, how it affects adults and how to manage it to adults with ADHD and their families.

He says ADHD is one of the most misunderstood and under-diagnosed psychological disorders in adults.

“Many people often associate ADHD with young children. Adults with ADHD are often misunderstood as being lazy or incompetent,” Dr Edwards-Hart said.

“Through the meetings, we hope to increase people’s knowledge about the disorder. People should not feel guilty about having ADHD and we aim to help them develop understanding and strategies to manage it,” he said.

The next meeting will take place at the library from 2-4pm on July 8. A $2 donation to help cover the room cost would be appreciated.

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