Docklands or ‘‘Docksea’‘?

Docklands or ‘‘Docksea’‘?

Most of Docklands could be underwater if sea level rises by two metres by 2100.

The latest data from Coastal Risk shows large parts of NewQuay, Victoria Harbour, Yarra’s Edge and almost the entire Harbour Esplanade could be submerged if climate change continues at the current pace.

Dr Kathleen McInnes, climate change expert at CSIRO, said Docklands could be particularly vulnerable to sea level increase.

“Even storm surges now cause problems in some suburbs, so sea level rise will only make things worse,” she said. “If sea levels rise by two metres then many coastal suburbs will be inundated, assuming no mitigation measures are put in place.”

She said a two-metre sea level rise would be possible in a “business as usual” scenario.

“It depends on whether or not strong cuts to carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions are realised,” she said. “If emissions increase at the current rate, we could reach a two-metre increase next century.”

Dr McInnes also offered some tips: “Living more sustainably, using less, wasting less, recycling, supporting renewable energy solutions are all things we can all be doing to reduce our carbon footprint.”

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