Costco to open on August 17

Costco to open on August 17

The eagerly-awaited opening will draw even more visitors to Docklands and, in particular, to Harbour Town.

Costco says it has signed up thousands of members for its first Australian operation but won’t give an exact figure.  Membership is required to shop at the store and costs $55 for businesses and $60 for individuals.

The managing director of the Australian operation, Patrick Noone, said he was delighted with the reception that the membership concept had received in Australia.

“We have come to a new country where we haven’t operated before and have asked people to shop with us sight unseen,” he said.  “But Australians are so savvy.  Most have been to the US or the UK so they know of Costco.  They just get it.”

He said Docklands was a perfect location for ease of access to freeways and public transport.

“It’s also very good on the human side too. There’s a couple of good hotels here, and great restaurants where our guys eat out,” he said.

He said the company had wanted to open a little earlier but was extremely happy with the quality of the workmanship of the store.

“We always had a target date for the middle of the year and we pushed the contractor hard for July but, in the end, we had to reconsider and stop pushing and get it done properly,” he said.

He said Costco was so pleased with some local contractors that these firms were now being asked to bid on international contracts.

And the feedback from his major retailing competitors here in Australia?  “I haven’t had any flowers in the mail yet or any congratulatory messages,” he laughed.

Costco stocks groceries, confectionery, appliances, television and media, automotive supplies, tyres, toys, hardware, sporting goods, jewellery, watches, cameras, books, housewares, apparel, health and beauty aids, tobacco, furniture, office supplies and office equipment.

The 14,000 square metre store will also feature a variety of specialty departments including a fresh bakery, fresh meat, fresh produce, deli, optical department, one-hour photo, tyre centre and food court.

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