Close shave at Yarra’s Edge

Close shave at Yarra’s Edge

Yarra’s Edge residents and workers raised over $1500 for breast cancer research this month by shaving their heads.

Dianne White decided to shave her head after her friend and fellow Yarra’s Edge resident Maree O’Brien was diagnosed with breast cancer and was told she would lose her hair due to chemotherapy treatment.

The pair had their heads shaved together at the Papillon Day Spa in Yarra’s Edge on April 3.

“We hope by doing this we can raise awareness about the importance of breast screening,” Dianne said.

Maree said she had no family history of breast cancer, which is the case for three out of every five women who are diagnosed with breast cancer

She said without screening her breast cancer would not have been detected.

The pair weren’t alone in their fundraising efforts. Mad Duck Cafe owners Adam Green and Jay Ocampo also decided to join in and had their heads shaved in support of the cause

Dianne and Maree said they wanted to thank both Mad Duck Cafe and Papillon Day Spa for supporting their fundraising efforts.

You can donate to the cause at

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