Bridge builds connections

Bridge builds connections

Work has started on the Jim Stynes Bridge that will connect Docklands with the Northbank precinct.

The $18 million bridge, named in honour of the late footballer Jim Stynes, will provide a pedestrian and cycling link between Docklands and Northbank.

The bridge will extend beneath the Charles Grimes Bridge and is designed to appear as though it is floating on the river.

Planning Minister Matthew Guy said the bridge would create a link in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure between the CBD and Docklands.

“The Jim Stynes Bridge will significantly enhance the quality of public space, improve access and create better connections to this important part of Melbourne,” Mr Guy said.

Mr Guy also announced the official opening of the McCrae St extension and footpath, delivered by Places Victoria and the Kangan institute.

According to a Places Victoria spokesperson, the one-way street is likely to open to traffic in mid February after VicRoads installs a new controller at the Harbour Esplanade intersection.

The McCrae St extension will connect with the Jim Stynes Bridge once completed.

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